Inventory of Prospective Electricity Customers in the Household Sector PLN West Java Distribution Unit
Based on TNP2K data in 2017 the number of PLN-less households in West Java reached 600,000 households with the majority in the South West Java Region, Indonesia. Inventory of prospective PLN electricity customers in the household sector is carried out with the intention of getting the most recent data that is more accurate regarding the number of PLN-less households that have the potential to become PLN electricity customers.
This project was carried out in an effort to support the West Java PLN Distribution to achieve a 100% household electrification ratio by 2020.
Data collection is carried out by conducting censuses on non-electrified households based on data in the village office. Based on these data, a data base which contains complete data on prospective electricity customers is included including a map of the location and the closest distance to the existing SUTM.
Users of services : PT. PLN West Java Distribution Unit